Come and Join us this Sunday!
We are meeting in our regular location, the Air Cadets Hall. 11 am.
We are concluding our series on, 'The Five Solas', focusing on the inspiration for these 5 truths , focusing today on, 'Sola Deo Gloria' - Glory to God alone.
Come on out!
We are going to journey through the book of Colossians, a book written by the apostle Paul to the church in Colossae.
Paul, although in chains, focuses on the greatness of God and the ability for Christ Followers to change the culture by the power of Christ through the Working of the Holy Spirit.
Here you will find our Life Church Playlist - the songs that we sing on Sundays, sung by the original artists.
Have a listen, be blessed and learn what we are singing on Sundays!
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.
Go to the News Tab at the Top to check out what's happening at Life!